Originally convened to breathe life into Doug Preston’s solo debut in 2017, Doug Preston and the Soul Searchers have since undergone a remarkable transformation, blossoming into an indomitable musical force in their own right. At the helm is the charismatic Singer/Songwriter Doug Preston, complemented by a collective of accomplished musicians drawn from the ranks of Arizona’s legendary bands, including The Pistoleros, Ghetto Cowgirl, and Chuck Hall and the Brick Wall, Truckers on Speed and newcomers Sliced Limes. Together, they’ve become an undeniable tour de force.

In 2019, they unveiled their debut single, “What Will Be,” providing a tantalizing glimpse into their potential as a musical juggernaut. While their ambitions for a full-length album in 2020 were stalled by global events, the band’s resolve remained unwavering. They are now back in action, vigorously crafting new music, with an eagerly anticipated release slated for 2024.

The journey of Doug Preston and the Soul Searchers continues to unfold, and we invite you to stay tuned for the thrilling next chapter in their musical journey.